Tag Archives: Rules

The Easiest Ways Business Owners Wind Up In Facebook’s Doghouse

If you own a business, it makes sense to utilize every possible avenue to advertise your  product, especially when such resources are free. We all understand the power the internet gives us. During the past few years, Facebook has become one of the most powerful resources businesses use for promotion. If you own a business, you need to know there are some very important rules that must be followed or you run the risk of losing a very popular and effective advertising tool.


I constantly see business owners breaking these must-follow rules, so I figured I would spare you the trouble of losing all the time, energy, and connections you have built through Facebook. How awful would it feel to have Facebook disable your business profile after all that hard work? It happens far more than most people think. Here is a list of my Facebook do-nots.

1. Never send a private message or add request to someone you do not know. I cannot even count how many times people have tried to attempt this with me. Ever notice how Facebook asks if you know the person you tried adding in real life?  Have you ever gotten messages in your inbox that advertised a product or that just say “What’s up?” or “Hi”?

All it takes is for you to click the “No” button if you do not know the person who tried adding you or to mark his or her message to you as spam. Once that is done, Facebook will temporarily yank some privileges, such as the ability to add anyone, or add friends. If you make this mistake enough, you can wave goodbye to your account for good.

2. Do not use Facebook features too quickly.

Some businesses or celebrities will host live events that connect to Facebook. While people enjoy mass interactions during such events, do not comment on a post or series of posts in that group and then start responding to numerous individual messages in that group page. Facebook is likely to yank your ability to post in groups. They will tell you that you posted too much too fast.

3. Do not copy and paste several messages on different pages. Today, I have seen this happen at least ten times when looking at my feed. Stop it!! If you take the exact same message and plaster it on a bunch of different pages, other people and Facebook itself will get easily annoyed. Do you want to see ten posts on your timeline saying the exact same thing? I didn’t think so either.  Facebook takes this rather seriously.  Not only will Facebook revoke your ability to post in different groups, they can easily ban the URL you used to post the messages.

4. Whether it be business or personal, avoid taking part in heated discussions. I was reported to Facebook for telling off a bigot. Sadly, nothing happened to that moron, yet, Facebook treated me as though I had done something wrong.

If you follow these simple rules, it is far less likely you or your business will end up in Facebook’s sin bin. Remember, even though we use it to promote our brands, Facebook was not created for the intention of free advertising, so use it, just do not abuse it.

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